New regulations instituted by the Office of Career Services and Off-Campus Learning (OCS-OCL) have created long lines for job-hunting seniors signing up for interviews at the office this week.
The number of students participating in the sign-ups has increased steadily over the past few years, probably as a result of the increase in seniors planning to seek employment immediately after graduation, John W. Pollack, associate director of OCS-OCL, said yesterday.
The long lines, however, are unprecedented, resulting from a change in the time or the sign-ups, Pollock said.
In previous years, the sign-ups had begun early in the morning. This year sign-ups did not begin until 5:45 p.m. so that students who had final exams could participate.
One senior who asked to remain unidentified said yesterday he thought OCS-OCL did not handle the sign-ups correctly, because they did not realize that everyone would be out in line at 4 p.m. to be able to get the first-come-first-serve interview slots.
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