
Pousette-Dart Band Might Give Benefit

The Pousette-Dart Band and Livingston Taylor tentatively will play a concert in April at Harvard's Bright Arena to benefit the Boston area American Heart Association (AHA).

Michael J. Urfirer '81, a member of the Student Assembly's Social Services Committee, is working with AHA to find an individual or corporation to underwrite the $10,000 to $15,00 needed to stage the production so that all proceeds from the concert may be given to the AHA.

Bright can seat between 3500 and 4000 people, and the Student Assembly hopes to keep the ticket prices under $5, Urfirer said. If an underwriter is found, the concert could gross between $15,000 and $20,000 for the AHA.

Rock and Pop

"We're negotiating now with many companies about sponsoring the show, and I hope to have things definitely worked out by mid-February so we can finalize booking the band." Urfirer said yesterday. He has consulted such companies as Pepsi Cola, Coca Cola, Cott Beverages, Canada Dry, Tech Hi-Fi, McDonalds's and E.F. Hutton. Urfirer said he hopes to find a single backer for the concert, but may resort to multiple underwriters to divide the expenses.


"It's difficult getting this kind of money once the companies are now in the middle of their fiscal years and are operating on budgets made last June," Urfirer said.

"There are a huge amount of unsettled questions that we have to work out," Urfirer said. "We have to have finalized fees for the two bands, drinks for them, lights, a stage, enough electricity, security, advertising, ticket sales, everything before the band actually signs to do the show," he added.

Urfirer said Archie C. Epps III, dean of students, was "very postive to the idea of a concert and very helpful." At Epps' request, Larry DiCara '71, president of the Boston City Council and a member of the AHA board of directors, is advising Urfirer and the AHA on the venture.

"I'm overseeing the legal work and the contracts involved in putting the show on." DiCara said, adding that "it should be a big success and a great opportunity for Harvard students to do something for the community as they do with the 'Evening of Champions' skating exhibition."

A rock concert is a new type of fundraising method for AHA. Melba J. Haufe, director of fundraising for the group, said yesterday. "We've never done a rock concert before, but we're every excited since we will be able to reach a lot of young people this way." Haufe said. "It's radically different from our usual benefit jog-a-thon in the financial com- mittment and complexity of the arrangements that have to be made before it's actually pulled off," she added.

Urfirer has not yet obtained final permission from the University to use Bright Arena for the concert, though he says John P. Reardon Jr., director of athletics, was "very receptive to the idea."

Reardon was unavailable for comment yesterday. However, Joseph D. Bertagna, director of Sports Information, said yesterday the rink would probably be available.

"The Student Assembly decided it was high time to have a rock concert at Harvard with a name band, that we didn't want to have an affair like the Who concert riot, and that Bruce Springsteen was out of the question, so we approached Pousette-Dart." Joseph F. McDonough '81, president of the Student Assembly, said yesterday. "They're popular, both mellow and towdy, and Boston-based, so it'll be a nice time for everyone and a sure sell-out," he added
