
President Announces New Plan To Help Poor During Winter

HARTFORD, CONN. -- President Carter yesterday announced plans for a $2.4 billion program to help low-income families pay rising energy costs and promised residents of the Northeast that "we will have necessary fuel to get us through this winter."

Under Carter's plan the government would provide aid to households with incomes falling below 12.5 per cent of the federal poverty level. Based on the present poverty level, families with incomes up to $8,950 a year would be eligible for benefits.

The size of the grants would vary from state to state depending on the severity of winter but would average about $200 for families and $100 for individuals.

Carter announced his plan while flying to Hartford to attend a meeting of the American Association of Retired Persons and the National Retired Teachers Association. At that conference he said that, although he admires retired people, "I'm not yet tempted to join your ranks any time soon."


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