
Freshmen Face Writing Test; Tutors to Aid Low Scorers

As if freshman orientation week is not packed with enough activities, administrators will put freshmen through a test new to the docket this year--one to determine their writing skills.

Richard C. Marius, senior lecturer on Expository Writing, said yesterday the test will be used to identify students with writing difficulties and to acquaint section leaders of Expository Writing with the style of their students.

No Outs

The test will not be used to place students out of Expos, Marius said.

Henry C. Moses, dean of freshmen, said yesterday the test will show "how in general freshmen write before they get started."


Marius said the test will probably identify approximately 30 students who, would receive a "D" or "E" in Expos and who will be assigned to a writing tutor.

"You don't gain a thing when you give a student a "D" or "E" in Expos," Marius said. The two-hour test is made up of twelve questions "ranging from the serious to the frivolous," he added.

Jeff Humphrey '83 said yesterday that while the freshmen orientation schedule is "a bit confusing and overwhelming," the writing test is the "only way to determine writing skills correctly."

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