
...Up and Away


To the Editors of The Crimson:

There is only one solution: move Harvard to the moon. We cannot soil the tips by owning stocks in companies that do business in South Africa. Similarly, not long ago the U.S. Government engaged in an outrageous episode in Vietnam. Surely we should sell our government bonds. And all U.S. industry sold to this wicked government--so we must sell all our domestic stocks too. And of course trade with repressive regimes in all the communist countries is out of the question. What is left except outer space?

Some, like President Bok, maintain that we should remain in the arena and exert what influence we can to bring about change for the better. Bok even suggests that disassociation constitutes an abdication of our moral responsibility to stay in there and fight But we all know that we are too pure and holy to contaminate ourselves by such contact with the seamier manifestations of human nature. We are above all that.

Who will make the first donation to the Harvard Space Ship Fund? John M. Barnaby '32   Squash and Tennis Coach--retired
