
Historical Study

"Development and Underdevelopment: The Historical Origins of the Inequality of Nations," David S. Landes

"International Conflicts in the Modern World," Stanley Hoffmann

"China: Tradition and Transformation," Benjamin I. Schwartz, Philip A. Kuhn and Edwin O. Reischauer

"Japan: Tradition and Transformation," Edwin O. Reischauer and Albert M. Craig

"The Transformation of the Modern Economy," Alfred D. Chandler Jr. (omitted next year)


"Modern Political Ideologies," Judith N. Shklar and Stanley Hoffmann (omitted next year)

"Modern Science and Modern Societies," Everett I. Mendelsohn (omitted next year)

"The Scientific Revolution," I. Bernard Cohen

"The Darwinian Revolution," Everett I. Mendelsohn and John Beatty

"The Great Rebellion: Britain 1640-1660," Wallace T. MacCaffrey

"The Christianization of the Roman World," G.W. Bowersock

"The Russian Revolution," Richard E. Pipes

"The Emancipation of the Jews," Yosef H. Yerushaimi

"The Conquest of 'The Great White Plague' Turberculosis in the Nineteenth Century," Barbara Gutmann Rosenkrantz

"The Civil War and Reconstruction Era," David Donald (omitted next year)

"The Revolutionary Transformation of America," Bernard Bailyn (omitted next year)

"Nationalism, Religion, and Politics in Central Eurasia," Joseph F. Fletcher Jr. (omitted next year)

"The Thirty Years' War," Franklin L. Ford (omitted next year)

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