Ira Einhorn, former fellow at the Institute of Politics, is free on $40,000 bail after his lawyer Thursday forced a postponement of his preliminary hearing on the grounds that Philadelphia police charged Einhorn improperly at the time of his arrest on March 28.
Einhorn's lawyer, Arlen Specter, gained a postponement because police charged Einhorn with homicide before the Philadelphia Medical Examiner's Office ascertained that Helen Maddux, found dead in Einhorn's apartment on March 28, had in fact been murdered, Vincent A. DiGirolamo, second deputy clerk of Quarter Sessions Court, said yesterday.
Faulty Warrant
"The original arrest warrant was faulty" and the district attorney had to release Einhorn temporarily, DiGirolamo said. He added police re-arrested Einhorn immediately and Thursday released him on $40,000 bail.
Under Pennsylvania law, a defendant must pay 10 per cent of the bail figure, making Einhorn's effective bail $4000. DiGirolamo said an unidentified third party paid the $4000.
Einhorn "had a dozen character witnesses" at his bail hearing Tuesday, Larry Rosen, police reporter for radio station KYW in Philadelphia said yesterday. He said this may explain Einhorn's comparatively low bail.
"He's very well connected," Rosen said, citing the fact that Specter, a former Philadelphia district attorney and a Republican who unsuccessfully ran for Mayor in 1971 and 1975 chose to defend Einhorn.
Judge Joseph P. McCabe Jr. will preside over Einhorn's preliminary hearing, now scheduled for Wednesday, DiGirolamo said.
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