
Truckers Labor Dispute

Despite a two-day-old nationwide Teamsters Union strike that has interrupted trucking across the nation, Harvard's food and heating oil deliveries are likely to continue as usual, University officials said yesterday.

Frank J. Weissbecker, director of the Food Services Department, said yesterday the distributors who supply food to the University are responsible for delivery, and would probably use an alternative trucking company if the Teamster strike begins to affect their deliveries.

"Our supplies are transported to Boston by rail and then picked up by our distributors. So far everything has been delivered on time," Weissbecker said.

He added that since Harvard's supplies are delivered by rail, the strike, which affects food supplies delivered by trucking companies across state lines, probably will not interrupt Harvard's supplies.

Metropolitan Petroleum and White Fuel, the two major suppliers of heating oil to the University, also reported yesterday no interruptions of deliveries.


A Buildings and Grounds official said yesterday that only if the strike grows within the next few weeks to include more local Teamster unions will it endanger the University's oil supplies.

"If picket lines are set up at any major oil depots the oil may not be delivered," the official said.
