
Weicker Sure About '80, Backs Nuclear Power

Sen. Lowell P. Weicker Jr. R-Conn.). who recently announced his candidacy for president, last night told an audience at the Law School Forum that he felt sure he could win a general presidential election.

"It's something Republicans don't feel so very often," Weicker said.

On the subject of President Carter Weicker remarked, "His rhetoric is admirable, his heart is in the right place, but he doesn't know how to act."

On nuclear energy, Weicker reminded his audience that he is from a state in which 60 per cent of all power is nuclear power. "We just can't turn our backs on it, we have to move forward and master the risks," Weicker said.

Weicker's 1976 Senate campaign platform called for rationing and decontrol of oil prices, two acts which he said last night would be the first national self-discipline since the oil embargo. "It would send the dollar shooting up," Weicker added.


Looking back on Watergate, Weicker said that the key issues of the scandal were the misuse of government and the refusal of Congress to admit its duty to watch the executive, problems which remain unsolved today.
