
Boycotting the Boycott


To The Editors of The Crimson:

Although we did not take part in the boycott of classes today, this does not mean that we do not care about Harvard's reaction to an apartheid system that the Harvard Corporation itself has labelled "repugnant and inhuman." We are not convinced that immediate divestiture is the most effective means of exerting a force for change in South Africa; and, for this reason, we cannot support an action with immediate divestiture as its stated goal.

However, the present university policy of case-by-case review is equally unsatisfactory. It is predicated on the assumption that, by implementing the Sullivan Principles, U.S. companies could bring about substantial changes in the social and political structure of South Africa. This is a questionable assumption at best.

The South African policy of apartheid is unacceptable and Harvard University must exert its influence to effect a change in this system. Perhaps immediate divestiture is not the answer, but if it is not, the members of the Harvard community -- administrators, students, alumni, faculty, and other employees -- must work together to determine what the answer is

Do not make the mistake of thinking students who did not participate in the boycott are unconcerned with the issues involved here. To be sure, Harvard must act correctly, but Harvard must act. --Richard Leman '80   Michael Pettersen '80   John Park '80
