
Crimson Weekend Scoreboard


Baseball at Tufts, 3 p.m.

Women's tennis at Dartmouth


Baseball vs. Northeastern, ppd. rain


Women's lacrosse, ppd. rain

Crew--see results below

Men's lacrosse 13, Brown 12 (OT)

Men's track and field 100, Princeton 63

Women's track and field 93, Yale 33

Princeton 400, Yale 417 golf 419

Men's Lights

At Philadelphia--2000 meters

Varsity--1. Harvard (cox P. Cordeiro. str. J. Brown, 7 P. Lakhdir, 6 M. Smith, 5 J. MacMillan, 4 K. Gaut, 3 M. Worrell, 2 M. Cominsky, bow R. Vagelos) 5:48.7; 2 Penn 5:54.1; 3 Cornell 5:54.2.

J.V.--1. Harvard 6:01.3; 2. Cornell 6:03.0; 3 Penn 6:05.5.

Freshman--1. Harvard 6:02.6; 2. Cornell 6:09.8; 3. Penn 6:19.4.

Radcliffe Heavies

At Princeton, N.J.--1500 meters

Varsity--1. Radcliffe 5:36.2 (cox L. LaFollette, str C. Strong, 7 A. Benton, 6 T. Munoz, 5 T. Laughlin, 4 J. Stone, 3 B. Goff, 2 K. Ronan, 1 N. Worsley); 2. Princeton 5:42.6; 3. Cornell 6:06.7.

J.V.--1. Radcliffe 5:48.8; 2. Princeton 5:52.8.

Novice--1. Princeton 5:57.5; 2. Radcliffe 6:05.3; 3. Cornell 6:15.5.

Radcliffe Lights

Varsity--1. New Hampshire 4:04.4; 2. Radcliffe Lightweight (cox S. Peterson, str. J. Nevin, 7 K. Kirk, 6 K. Laine, 5 M. D'Innocenzo, 4 A. Jessel, 3 N. Mauro, 2 M. Finnemore, bow P. McCree) 4:06.8.

J.V.--1. MIT fr. heavies 5:18.6; 2. Radcliffe J.V. lights 5:19.0; 3. Radcliffe 2nd fr. heavies 5:22.4.

Women's Track


100 M Hurdles--1. Harper (H) 17.7; 2. Kaarsberg (Y) 21.7.

400 M Hurdles--1. Harper (H) 1:13.6; 2. Carle (H) 1:14.1; 3. Oelhmer (H) 1:23.8.

100 M--1. Miller (Y) 13.0; Clermont (H) 13.3; 3. Sims (H) 13.5.

200 M--1. Sims (H) 27.2; 2. Clermont (H) 21.4; 3. Harris (Y) 28.2.

400 M--1. Bryan (H) 61.5; 2. Dorsey (H) 62.4; 3. Rogers (H) 63.5.

800 M--1. Linsley (H) 2:24.1; 2. Clabby (H) 2:26.0; 3. Rozzell (H) 2:26.7.

3000 M--1. Ulian (Y) 10:19.0; 2. Taylor (H) 10:29.0; 3. Jacobson (H) 10:47.0.

1500 M--1. Ulian (Y) 4:51.9; 2. Linsley (H) 5:01.0; 3. Amble (H) 5:04.0.

Discus--1. Johnson (H) 109-6; 2. Blatt (H) 92-3; 3. Burrus (H) 89-4.

Shot Put--1. Johnson (H) 44-2 1/2; 2. Westlake (H) 32-6; 3. Aoki (Y) 29-1/2.

Long Jump--1. Miller (Y) 17-1/2; 2. Harper (H) 16-0; 3. Sims (H) 15-9 3/4.

High Jump--1. Hewitt (H) 5-2; 2. Williams (Y) 5-1; 3. Rozzell (H) 5-0.

Javelin--1. Murphy (Y) 117-6; 2. Vogel (H) 102-0; 3. Blatt (H) 83-9 1/2.

Mile Relay--1. Harvard 4:25.4; 2. Yale 4:49.8.

400 M Relay--1. Harvard 53.3; 2. Yale 55.1.

Men's Track


Hammer--1. Lenz (H) 56.90 (186-8); 2. Ball (H) 52.74 (173-0); 3. D. Pellegrini (P) 52.70 (172-11).

Shot Put--1. Quantock (H) 16.05 (52-8); 2. J. Pellegrini (H) 15.16 (49-9); 3. D. Pellegrini (P) 15.07 (49-5 1/4).

Javelin--1. Stewart (H) 61.35 (201-3); 2. Oliva (P) 58.98 (193-6); 3. Kinney (H) 57.95 (190-1).

Discus--1. J. Pellegrini (H) 49.98 (164-0); 2. D. Pellegrini 47.08 (154-5); 3. Rifkin (P) 44.04 (144-6).

Pole Vault--1. Stiles (H) 4.72 (15-6); 2. Crigler (P) 3.96 (13-0); 3. Stanwich (P) 3.96 (13-0).

High Jump--1. Shulte (P) 2.03 (6-8); 2. Malzbender (P) 1.98 (6-6); 3. McBamette (P) 1.98 (6-6); 4. Young (H) 1.98 (6-6).

Long Jump--1. Mahoney (H) 6.73 (22-1); 2. Andlinger (P) 6.59 (21-7 1/2); 3. Ho (H) 6.38 (20-11 1/4).

Triple Jump--1. Mahoney (H) 14.28 (46-10 1/2); 2. King (H) 13.49 (44-3 1/4); 3. Brooks (H) 13.39 (43-11 1/4).

Steeplechase--1. Fitzsimmons (H) 9:18.7; 2. McRoskey (H) 9:41.6; 3. Heimerdinger (P) 9:43.8.

1500 M--1. McNulty (H) 3:55.8; 2. Dixon (H) 3:55.9; 3. Challenger (P) 3:56.7.

800 M--1. Chafee (H) 1:51.6; 2. McNulty (H) 1:55.6; 3. Word (P) 1:56.3.

110 M Hurdles--1. Crigler (P) 14.7; 2. Zvosec (P) 15.4; 3. Johnson (H) 15.5.

100 M--1. Salvo (H) 10.8; 2. Diagioni (P) 10.9; 3. Polillio (H) 11.0.

400 M Hurdles--1. Libertelli (P) 55.1; 2. Miller (H) 56.0; 3. Hillbert (P) 57.3.

400 M--1. Sherber (P) 48.9; 2. Harrington (H) 49.6; 3. Nicodemus (H) 49.7.

200 M--1. Sherber (P) 21.9; 2. Chapus (H) 22.2; 3. Jakenfelds (H) 22.5.

5000 M--1. Sheehan (H) 14:51.8; 2. Suslovick (P) 14:54.6; 3. Kostelo (P) 15:01.4.

400 M--1. Harvard 42.9; 2. Princeton 43.3.

1600 M Relay--1. Princeton 3:23.4; 2. Harvard 3:24.1.

Men's Lacrosse

Brown (3-2) 2 5 3 2 0 -- 12

H a r v a r d ( 5 - 2 ) 3 4 2 3 1 -- 13


Faught (H) 3g, 2a; Handelman (B) 2g, 3a; Nelson (H) 3g, 1a; Predun (H) 2g, 2a; N. Forbush (H) 3g, 1a; Barrows (B) 4g; Lobosco (B) 1g, 2a; Borzilleri (B) 2g; J. Meister (B) 2g; Wigglesworth (H) 1g, 1a; Ward (H) 1g; Shay (B) 1g; Egasti (H) 1a.


First (H) 19 saves; C. Meister (B) 21 saves; D. DeSimone (B) no saves.
