To the Editors of The Crimson:
I would just like to extend a heart-felt word of thanks to Professors Walzer, Nolan, Cudjoe, Skocpol, Higonnet, et al. for their eloquent and principled stands at Tuesday's Faculty meeting. I have spent nearly four years at Harvard becoming ever-more discouraged by the University's perpetual abdication of political and moral responsibility in its affairs, from its derisive treatment of the Afro-American Department to its equally disreputable labor relations with its own workers. President Bok's letter struck me as the crowning blow of morally-myopic ivory-towerism.
I was ready to count the University out in toto but, lo and behold! out of the ashes rise phoenix-like a Faculty which dares to take a vocal stand! I can only say that the combination of scholastic integrity and humanistic concern evidenced by those professors who spoke at the Faculty meeting has cast a much-needed beam of warm light on what for me has been a steadily paling view of what Harvard's community of "educated men and women" represents. I thank those professors and sincerely hope that they may further contribute some much-needed leadership and moral encouragement. Kevin Grumbach '78-4
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