
Thinclads Triumph in GBC's

Fifth Seeded Crimson Wins Easily

Fans of pre-meet prognostication were disappointed yesterday, but fans of the Harvard women's track and field were not, as the fifth-seeded Crimson triumphed in the Greater Boston Championships yesterday at the ITT.

The thinclads humbled five other schools from the Massachusetts bay area, scoring 81 to top-seeded Boston University's 57, Tufts' 31, Northeastern's 19, Boston College's 13 and Brandeis' 6.

Harvard broke the meet open early in the early afternoon when it took one-two in the back-to-back events, the 60-yard dash and the 880-yard run.

Leslie Sims bested Cathy Rice in the 60, just catching her teammate at the wire despite their identical times of 7.6 seconds. Becky Rogers then outlasted Therese Sellers in the 880, as she ran the half mile in 2:22.6 to Sellers's 2:24.4.

Sue Hewitt put the Crimson out in front in the second event, the high jump, when she shattered the meet record of 4'8" and matched her season's best effort with a vault of 5'2".


"It was a very nice, all around showing," Hewitt said last night.

Pat Gopaul's smoking anchor leg in the 880 relay pushed the Crimson team to a .9 second victory over a tenacious Tufts squad.

Harvard didn't place in the 440, but the team then pulled away in the 660 and the 880.

Sophomore Cathy Rice, after being nosed out in the 60-yard dash, proceeded to crush her four opponents in the long jump. She skipped 17'4 1/4 ", defeating second-place Elizabeth Freeze of B.U. who could manage only 16'3".

In the two-mile run, Karla Amble left Betty Lein of B.U. and Susan Waring of Tufts fighting for scraps, as the junior breezed to a 15-second victory in 11:19.1.

B.U. edged the Crimson in the one-mile relay, 4:07.9 to 4:09.0, but the trophy title was already destined for Coach Pappy Hunt's thinclads.

In the final event of the afternoon, Sellers anchor leg sealed an easy Harvard victory in the two mile relay, the Crimson finishing in 9:48.8 to B.U.'s 10:29.0.

The thinclads will face Army in their final home meet of the season next Saturday. On February 17, the Crimson will face Yale and Princeton in a three-way meet, before the heptagonal Championships at Dartmouth, February 24.
