
Khomeini Demands Power; Bakhtiar Vows to Remain

TEHERAN, Iran--Ayatullah Ruhollah Khomeini yesterday rejected a new peace overture from Prime Minister Shahpour Bakhtiar and again demanded Bakhtiar's resignation.

Bakhtiar said yesterday any new violent disturbances would be "answered with bullets" and threatened to arrest anyone who joined a Khomeini-led opposition government.

The violence that abated Thursday with Khomeini's return from exile also flared again yesterday. Three persons were reported killed in fighting during the day.

About 10,000 excited supporters besieged Khomeini's headquarters to get a glimpse of him on his first full day in Iran in more than 14 years.

The 78-year-old Moslem religious leader of Iran's anti-shah movement went to a ground-floor window of the building and waved to the crowds as they streamed past. Many chanted "Hail Khomeini!" and "Death to Bakhtiar!"


Khomeini wants to abolish the monarchy and replace Bakhtiar's government with a religiously oriented Islamic republic under his rule. He said Thursday the present leadership is illegal "and if they continue, they must be put on trial."

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Bakhtiar, who has rejected Khomeini's demands that he resign, said yesterday in a state radio broadcast that he would like to meet with Khomeini to "find a political solution to the present problems of the country."

Khomeini's spokesman replied "that as long as Bakhtiar does not resign there will be no meeting."

Khomeini followers staged peaceful anti-government demonstrations yesterday in the cities of Ahwaz, Sanandaj and Isfahan, but two protesters were killed in clashes with police in Semnan, 110 miles east of Teheran. An underground group claimed responsibility for the death of another man in the capital city.
