
B.U. Trustees Denounce Faculty Labor Practices

Boston University trustees charged the campus chapter of the American Association of University Professors (AAUP) with unfair labor practices Thursday in a continuing controversy between the university and the 300-member professors union.

"It's the opinion of our lawyers that the faculty are unfairly holding a strike over our heads unless we share managerial power with them," Ted Frederickson, spokesman for the university, said yesterday. He added that "the National Labor Relations Act requires employers and unions to bargain over issues such as wages and hours, but not over managerial power."

Frederickson said the university is ready to talk to labor leaders, "but not to bargain away our power to a minority union."

The faculty approved a series of job actions at a meeting January 25, calling for a teach-in on February 14, boycott of classes on March 20 and 21, and an indefinite strike of classes starting April 4, unless an agreement is reached.
