Gov. Edward J. King last night helped the Harvard-Radcliffe Students for Carter kick off their campaign activities with a party at Lowell House to celebrate President Carter's candidacy.
King praised Carter's domestic policies in a 20 minute question-and-answer period, particularly praising energy programs that are of major importance to Massachusetts.
Bronx Native
He added that developing coal and unclear resources will help ease inflation by reducing the U.S. trade deficit, as well as creating more jobs.
When asked about the effects of the new drinking age, King said in the long run the higher age will prove beneficial, even though automobile deaths have not decreased since the change.
Lack of Candidates
About 40 students, reporters, and King staff members attended the party, which marks the students for Carter's first fund-raising venture.
The group has asked Carter to speak here, and hopes to get a member of his family or a high-ranking government official to come if Carter cannot accept the invitation.
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