
Last Minute Drive Lifts SoHo to Title

The Joe Auteri to John Cheney touchdown connection did it again yesterday afternoon, keying a last minute South House scoring drive to lift SoHo to a 13-7 victory over Quincy and the Quad's first ever football crown.

In yesterday's second game, Kirkland played a solid game to beat Leverett 13-0 and tie Q-World for second place. Both teams finished with 3-1 records, behind SoHo's unblemished 4-0 mark.

South House drew first blood, scoring after a Mike Casey interception at the Quincy 37 yard line.

Facing a third and goal situation at the 20. Auteri rolled out and fired a TD pass to Dana Redhair to give SoHo a 6-0 lead.

Defense took over after that, and neither team mounted a consistent march until late in the fourth quarter.


The South House defense gave up its first points of the season late in the fourth quarter when Quincy reached paydirt following a fumble on SoHo's 13-yd. line. Joe Scipione, playing for absent signal caller Lon Hatamiya, scored on a nine yard run with 1:04 remaining.

After John Scheft's extra point put Quincy ahead 7-6, Auteri and Cheney went into action. Following one long incompletion. Auteri hit his favorite receiver three consecutive times for 55 yards, the last for SoHo's second touch-down.

Auteri said he directed the last minute drive to make up for missing a tackle on Scipione's scoring run.

Kirkland used its strong ground game to shut out Leverett and post its third straight win. Late in the first quarter, K-House moved 65 yards down the middle of field, scoring on a three-yard Tod Elkins run. Tom Sylvester added the extra point.

Kirkland's second scoring drive belonged to Ed Tompkins, the other half of their backfield tandem. He went 65 yards on a misdirection reverse, and then ran four yards for the TD.

The top six House teams meet the best that Yale has to offer next Friday. Floyd Wilson, director of intramurals, said he has not decided how to break the sixth place tie between Winthrop and Leverett.
