
Cambodia Aid Group Recruits Doctors

Plans Benefit Concert Next Month

Student Activists for Cambodia (SAC) is recruiting medical personnel, including Harvard Medical School students, to work in Cambodia as part of international relief efforts.

The recruitment drive is one part of SAC's efforts to aid Cambodian refugees. The Kennedy School group also plans to sponsor a benefit concert next month and has asked Joan Baez, Jackson Browne, or Linda Ronstadt. All three artists have said they might perform, Susan M. Davis, SAC member, said yesterday.

At least ten medical students have already expressed an interest in serving in Cambodia and have contacted international relief agencies as a result of SAC's recruiting drive, Llewellyn C. Werner, SAC co-founder, said yesterday.

David P. Reiss, graduate student in psychology, has applied for a position as a paramedic in a refugee camp in Thailand and plans to work there for at least six months beginning in January. Reiss has studied emergency medical procedures and traveled extensively in Indochina.

"It's very worthwhile working in crisis intervention situations," Reiss said. "I think it would make a very interesting career," he added.


SAC has also arranged for two local doctors to leave for Cambodia shortly, Werner added.

Dr. Robert Pinedo, one of the two doctors, attended an earlier SAC meeting and volunteered to serve in Cambodia. "I have a continued interest in humanity," Pinedo, who worked as a paramedic in Vietnam for a year, said yesterday.

SAC will help interested doctors and medical students contact international relief agencies such as Red Cross and arrange their transportation, Werner said. With SAC's assistance, Pinedo has located eight more doctors willing to work in Cambodian refugee camps.

"The situation is terrible over there; I think that everyone would like to help," a third-year medical student who asked to remain anonymous said yesterday.

Relief agencies in Cambodia require that foreign workers have medical training and be willing to serve for six months, Richard W. Burkholer, SAC member, said yesterday.

In addition to recruiting. SAC is raising funds and lobbying for legislation. At the university-wide fast SAC and Harvard Hunger Action plan for November 15, SAC members will distribute postcards for students to send to Congressmen urging immediate passage of Cambodian legislation.

Harvard medical students have been soliciting contributions to the International Red Cross in Geneva to aid Cambodian refugees, Daniel H. Lowenstin, first-year medical student, said yesterday.

Both houses of Congress have already approved $30 million worth of aid to Cambodia, but the legislation is tied up in debates over amendments, Charlotte E. Ward. SAC co-founder, said yesterday.
