About 25 students last night picketed a Chase Manhattan Bank minority recruiting meeting, calling on students not to attend the meeting and on Chase to halt its operations in Puerto Rico and other third world countries.
The demonstrators walked into the Leverett House Junior Common Room chanting "Don't Sell Out" and "No Tokens," as a Chase representative talked to a small number of minority students.
Roberto Lewis '79-1, a member of La Organization--the group which sponsored the protest--said yesterday the demonstrators wished to "eliminate the privilege of Chase in Puerto Rico and its support of a colonial government."
"We want Chase to stop its exploitation of people in third world countries, but especially in New York and Puerto Rico," Daniel Bello '81, a member of La O, said at the rally.
Kenneth Powell, a vice president in Chase Manhattan's international division, responded to picketers' questions, but refused to be quoted on the record.
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