To the Editors of The Crimson:
Thanks. I knew that there was something bothering me about this year's World Series. My gratitude goes out to you, Jeffrey R. Toobin, writer of the Box, for pointing out that it was that Pittsburgh and Baltimore are "aging industrial cities" that are only "an hour's plane ride apart." Pittsburgh aging? you must mean senile. As the headquarters of penny ante companies like U.S. Steel, Gulf Oil Corp., Alcoa and Westinghouse Electric Corp. it couldn't possibly be an industrially sophisticated city. Their baseball team naturally lacks sophistication because of this.
James Rouse's revitalization of Baltimore's Inner Harbor is almost as bad as the redesigning he did with Quincy Market and Nathaniel Hall. What an eyesore Baltimore's harbor will be now. If only the Orioles had a prettier city maybe their pitching game would be that much better.
Last year's Series between LA and New York was so much more exciting because the cities are so far apart. A World Series between Topeka, Kansas and New Delhi, India would be fantastic. It was so nice of you. Mr. Toobin to make me realize this. I think that from now on the teams should be selected to play in the World Series on the basis of the distance between and the vitality of their cities and not by their abilities at all!
Thank you again. Jack Ewig '83
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