
Califano Says Judicial System Interferes With Agencies' Work

Likening judges to spiders "in black robes spinning webs of red tape," Joseph Califano, ex-secretary of Health. Education, and Welfare, railed against the influence the judicial system has on federal agencies at the Kennedy School Forum last night.

Speaking before a crowd of about 550, Califano cited examples of judges assuming administrative and managerial control of government agencies through court orders. He said these orders represent the establishment of powerful and "politically unaccountable" forces.


"I am concerned about the deep influence of the judiciary in HEW," Califano said. "Courts have been essential to protect rights of citizens in discrimination cases, but we need a probe of the judicial system and their management of HEW," he added.

Califano also criticized President Carter's newly established Department of Education, saying "there are too many constituency-oriented departments in Washington now. It will further fragment government." He added that the Department of Education will not serve students, but teachers' unions instead.


Cat and Mouse

Califano would not comment on whom he might support for president in 1980 "I'll wait until we see some announced candidates. If they can play cat and mouse, so can I," he said.

He urged Harvard students to "use your talent to help your nation devise systems which will make government a better servant of the people."

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