
Chavez Asks Support of Area For Non-Union Lettuce Boycott

Cesar Chavez, President of the United Farmworkers of America (UFW), asked state union officials to support a boycott of non-union lettuce grown in California.

The boycott is focused on the non-union brand lettuce, Red Coach, produced by the Bruce Church Company.

The Massachusetts Chapter of the AFL-CIO endorsed the boycott yesterday.

"There are two places in the U.S. where UFW boycotts are an instant success--Boston and San Francisco," Chavez said.

UFW members have been on strike for over nine months. Nine lettuce prodiucers have refused to sign the contract.


The Church contract is a pivotal point, Chavez said, adding if the compnay signed, the other growers would follow.

The new UFW contract requests a wage increase to $5, a cost of living clause, and protection for workers from pesticides used on crops. Chavez said it is possible that Church is using an illegal pesticide.

Six supermarkets in the Boston area, De Moula's, Ceritan's, Purity Supreme, Hernandez., Star and Capital, have agreed not to carry Red Coach lettuce. Chavez met with Stop and Shop Supermarket officials yesterday, and reached no agreement.

Harvard does not purchase Red Coach lettuce, Philip R. Bauer, a food buyer for University Food Services, said, adding the brand is for retail, not for institutional use.
