President Bok outlined yesterday a rough system of rotation of the representatives to the Advisory Committee on Shareholder Responsibility (ACSR) in a letter to the committee that selects the ACSR's undergraduate member.
The letter establishes for the first time a loose rotation schedule for student ACSR representatives from the graduate schools and college as well as faculty.
Bok's letter is in response to the Undergraduate Committee on Harvard Shareholder Responsibility's (UCHSR) request last spring that the President ensure that ACSR members be democratically selected, respresentative of all areas of the University and rotated on a fixed schedule. President Bok rejected the first two proposed reforms.
UCHSR also demanded last spring that the ACSR open its meeting to the public and publish an agenda prior to each meeting. It also decided not to send an undergraduate representative to the committee until the reforms are implemented.
Under President Bok's rotation plan one faculty member will represent the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, another the Medical School, School of Dental Medicine or the School of Public Health; a third either the Law School or Business School, and the fourth will be selected from the smaller graduate schools.
Two of the four student members will be selected from either the Law School or Business School on an alternating basis with the other two members representing the remaining graduate schools and the college respectively.
Julie Fouquet '80, chairman of UCHSR, said yesterday she believes Bok's rotation system is vague in failing to state the length of time each student will serve on the committee while allotting two years to both faculty and alumni representatives.
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