
Steinem, Fonda Address Women On Need for Economic Equality

One talks revolution, the other doesn't.

Actress Jane Fonda Saturday told women at the opening ceremonies of the Women for Economic Change conference that women workers to use their political clout to reshape the economy through a massive labor movement in the 80 s.

But Gloria Steinem, former president of the National organization for Women, asked the audience to do "something outrageous in the next 24 hours" to aid "the revolution."

Steinem said that the system must redefine work to include the "raising of human babies" and housework. She said that society is still male-dominated and will stay that way until women work to dismantle it.

Brave New World


"When we talked about revolution and reform in the '60s, our male collegues thought we were talking about taking over the radio stations and the t.v. networks. They didn't know we were talking about more than that," Steinem said.

Fonda, whose remarks come at the end of a four-day stop in Boston during a national tour sponsored by the Campaign for Economic Democracy, said the '80s will be dominated by a labor movement led by woman workers who "have the least to lose and the most to gain."

The "economic crisis of the '80s" will affect women workers more than their male counterparts and will "pit men against women in a cut throat competition for the crumbs," Fonda predicted.

To prevent that struggle, Fonda said, women must join together to completely alter the economic structure.

Deep Dish

"I hope that women aren't in this just to get a piece of the pie, because the pie sucks," Fonda said.

"Women are in the position now to say that we are redefining the pie because we want the economy to be better for everyone." she added.

Fonda suggested that the government create more jobs so that women would not pose a threat to male workers.

The star of "The China Syndrome" added that a conversion to solar energy will create more jobs and help destroy the current "male-dominated" energy policy.

Surprise, Surprise

Fonda said however, that she would not be in the field leading the battle. "I am not an economist or an activist, but an actress," Fonda said, "so I'm making a movie about it."

The movie, "9 to 5," concerns three secretaries, Fonda, Dolly Parton and possibly Lilly Tomlin, who fantasize about killing their boss and eventually kidnap him without, all without causing a decline in the efficiency of their office.

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