
Computer Failure Causes 20-Minute Phone Breakdown

A computer failure that allowed circuits to overload yesterday triggered a 20-minute loss of phone service within the Harvard Centrex system, New England Telephone officials said yesterday.

Harvard phones were dead from 2:55 to 3:15 p.m. yesterday, but Edward DiChicco, a Cambridge telephone service representative, said troubles lasted much longer in other parts of the city. "We started getting calls early in the afternoon, and they continued through four o'clock," DiChicco said.

Joseph Albert, assistant to the president of New England Telephone, said more people might be staying home on a rainy day and using the phone, adding, "the problem was definitely caused by an overload."

DiChicco said he thought the heavy rainfall might have directly damaged sections of the system.

An operator at the Harvard communications system said, "Every major office in the University called at some point to find out what was going on." As service was being restored "we were literally deluged with calls," said another Harvard communications official.
