
Women's Varsity Squash Team Dispenses With Dartmouth, 6-1

The women's varsity squash team used its hard serves to sting and daze all but one Dartmouth player in Saturday's home match, as the undefeated Crimson defeated the Big Green, 6-1.

A sprained ankle prevented captain Jenny Stone from playing, but gave Margo McGlade a chance to move up into the number five position, where she held her opponent to 23 total points en route to a straight three-game win.

Becky Tung, bothered by a bum knee, nonetheless managed to rule the central court position and take her match in three games. Tung stepped into position efficiently, held the shot, and forced foe Liz Toomlin to stay constantly on the defensive.

"I'm very proud of Becky," said coach Paul Moses. "It was a really good win, especially because she lost to the same girl in four games at a tournament last fall."

Number six player Wendy Sonnabend also picked up an easy three-zip win. The only four-game matches of the day kept Nell Foreman and Courtney Stimpson steaming and sweating at numbers three and four, respectively.


Foreman tallied many of her points with a hard forehand shot sent forward just inches away from the wall, but eventually lost, 11-15, 9-15, 15-12, 9-15.

Stimpson, a freshman, pulled out her match (15-16, 15-8, 15-10, 15-8) by luring her opponent into a rally, aggressively accelerating the pace, and using the precious extra seconds to put the ball away.

Another freshman, Cynthia Stanton, served an effective sidearm-overhead bullet throughout her number two match to prevail 3-0 over Puddie Hauge.


Diddy Toulmin, also a freshman, moved up to number seven in the reorganized varsity line-up, battled in a seesaw match before gutting it out in the final game to win, 15-8, 15-16, 15-8, 8-15, 15-13.

Last year, the team won eight straight before losing a match. But this season, despite an undefeated record which includes two shutouts, players are apprehensive about their upcoming match with Williams on January 13.
