
National AAU Competitive Swimming Committee International Competition Sub-committee

Code of conduct for staff and athletes on USA National Swimming Teams competing in the USA and foreign countries. Staff members and athletes are expected to adhere strictly to the policies set forth, as follows:

1. A curfew will be established every night.

2. There shall be no use of alcohol, smoking of any kind, nor use of drugs not prescribed by a physician.

3. There shall be no inappropriate, wild or destructive partying. If a staff or team member is attending a function of this nature, it is their responsibility to leave or to be considered a participant by choice.

4. When members of the opposite sex are in the same room, they are required to have to door wide open at all times.

5. Athletes and staff must attend every team meeting or function.


6. Appropriate team uniforms will be worn when directed by the staff.

These requirements will be in effect from the time the team is assembled until it returns home. Violations of the above may entail:

1. Scratching the athlete from his/her event, or sending the athlete home.

2. Recommending disciplinary action to the International Committee, or

3. Both the above.
