
Lack of Quorum at Assembly Blocks Funds for Conference

Thz lack of a quorum prevented the Student Assembly last night from acting upon a request for $200 from a group of students who wish to see Harvard represented at a conference of Ivy League schools, Stanford University, and the University of Chicago to be held February in Philadelphia.

Richard M. Wyner '79, an Adams House representative, said after the meeting he introduced his call for a quorum count because "a majority of the representatives were not here and I didn't think it was proper to proceed."

The Leverett House assembly delegation will call for the impeachment of Wyner at the assembly's next meeting, Michael A. Calabrese '79, a Leverett representative, said after the meeting.

The conference will consist of committee meetings on issues of common interest to the different delegations, which will exchange ideas about the handling of student problems. Delegates will also discuss the possibility of joint university action on major student issues.

The conference will divide the issues of student life into seven major sections, each of which will be separately discussed in committee.


These seven divisions are the role of the university social and political affairs, minority and women's affairs, student life, student government and student-faculty-administration relations, extracurricular affairs, tuition, financial aid and admissions, and academics.

"The success of the conference will be a direct result of the amount of work we put into it. If enough people at Harvard want to make use of the material we get out of this conference, then I think we can resolve a lot of problems," Libby F. Shaw '80, acting chairman of the women's sub-committee of the committee on minority and women's affairs, said yesterday.

Conference workers are presently attempting to obtain funds from various University sources, in addition to the Student Assembly, for transportation, administration and accommodation costs. Expenses for the conference will be split evenly among the participating colleges.
