
Baker Reviews SALT Talks

MOSCOW--Senate minority leader Howard H. Baker (R-Tenn.) and five other Republican senators arrived in the Soviet Union yesterday for a series of high-level meetings with Soviet officials on the strategic arms limitation talks and other issues.

Ratification Likely

Baker said the visit comes "at a very important time" for the United States because of the continuing talks on SALT II, the Soviet news agency Tass reported yesterday. He said he was confident the Senate would ratify a treaty.

Georgy Arbatov, the chief Kremlin adviser on American affairs, other Soviet officials and American diplomats met the delegation.

The senators, invited to the Soviet Union by the Supreme Soviet, are expected to meet with Soviet President Leonid I. Brezhnev.


Other members of the U.S. delegation are Sens. John G. Tower (R-Tex.), E.J. Garn (R-Utah), John C. Danforth (R-Mo.), II.I. Hayakawa (R-Calif.) and Malcolm Wallop (R-Wy.).
