
Professor Begins Teaching Series On Meditation

More than 125 Harvard students, health food store patrons and meditation enthusiasts last night attended the first meeting of a free, semester-long lecture series on meditation.

Dr. Frederick Lenz, a professor of eastern philosophies at the New School for Social Research in New York City, teaches the course, which he said is designed to progressively lead beginners into "higher stages of meditation."

"Meditation increases one's creative reservoir that otherwise may go untapped." Lenz said.

Lenz said his method is a different, higher form of meditation than Transcendental Meditation. "If the teachers of T.M. really understood meditation they would not charge money," he added.

The form of meditation is part of a "spiritual philosophy similar to Hinduism but more universal. It's dedicated to the love and service of people and the development of the inner divinity," Marion Lennihan '74, owner of a local health food store and follower of Sri Chinmoy, said last night.
