
Student Suffers Injuries In Fire Escape Accident

A Summer School student received multiple cuts and bruises, and required stitches in both her legs, after she fell through an opening on the third floor fire escape in Stoughton Hall on Saturday night.

The Demon Frisbee

Rebecca Slivka was retrieving a frisbee when she fell and was caught on the escape. She was treated at Cambridge City Hospital and released. Wayne Ishikawa, dean of the Summer School, emphasized that the fall was not caused by a faulty fire escape.

We Told You

"The administration and the proctors have continually told students not to go on the fire escape except in an emergency situation. However, students insist on defying these orders and this is why accidents such as this occur."


Harvard Picks Up the Tab

Slivka said yesterday that University officials had promised her that Harvard would cover the medical expenses resulting from the accident.

Slivka said she was glad that her injuries weren't more serious.

"I'm happy that I didn't break or sprain anything. The incident certainly taught me, and I hope others, to be very careful when choosing a locale for frisbee playing."

No Comment

Daniel Steiner, '54, general cousel to the University could not be reached for comment yesterday concerning the University's liability.
