
Critical Acclaim?


To the Editors of The Crimson:

Perhaps Andrew Moulter enjoys wallowing in his mudhole of tasteless, indeed sophomoric, collegiate humor, but I do not. His review of National Lampoon's "Animal House" desplays an aching lack of sensitivity to the very real human issues at stake in the education of our youth. How can Multer possibly look kindly on a film that condones premarital sex, alcholism, random violence and the gross over-consumption of vital food resources? America will never be great again as long as this leading astray of our youth by the purveyors of smut and boorishness continues. Moulter speaks glowingly of the National Lampoon's "sick" sense of humor: I submit that this sickness is in his own mind, and those of his ilk, and that it must not be allowed to sap the strength of our great nation. Milos Pilegravy '49


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