
Summer School Calendar


Ping -Pong tournament: Students who signed up for the tournament should check the draw sheet at the Dean's office.

Study Hall: Lehman Hall dining room is being kept open as a astudy hall from 10-1130 pm. Monday- Thursday.

Atheletics: The Indoor Ath letic Building is open until 9:30 pm. Monday-Friday.

Arts Competion: The deadline for entries in the Poetry and Photography contests is 5pm. today.


July 28--Friday

4II--Last day to change from graded to Pass/Fail, or from Pass/Fail to graded status. last day to drop a course, or to change from credit to non-credit or audit within the same course (with 50 per cent adjustment of tuition). 20 Garden St.

Harvard Summer School Film Series: "A Touch of Evil", Science Center B, 8and 10 pm.: $1.

Southern African Solidarity Committee Film: "Sacco and Vanzetti", Science Center C, 7.30 and 10pm.; $1.25.

Dance Concert: Phoebe Neville, Memorial Hall, 8pm., free(limited seating, so come early).

July 29, Saturday

Harvard Summer School Bus Trip to Horseneck Beach; leaves 9 am. from Johnston Gate; tickets $4 at Dean's office.

HSS Film Series; "A touch of Evil", Science Center B, 8 and 10 pm.;$1.

SASC Film: "Sacco and Vanzetti", Science Center C, 7:30 and 10 pm.; $1.25

Dance Concert: Phoebe Neville; Memorial Hall; 8pm. free.
