
Stevens Meets With Students To Discuss Investment Policies

Lawrence F. Stevens '65, secretary of the Advisory Committee on Shareholder Responsibility (ACSR), began Monday to hold individual conferences with students who marched up to his Holyoke Center office during the anti-apartheid protest on April 25.

Stevens said students have expressed "mixed reactions" to the Harvard Corporation's report on South African investments. He did not identify the students but said they were well-prepared for the discussion.

Stevens scheduled interviews with 12 students randomly selected from the approximately 300 who left messages during the demonstration, Peggy A. Cambell, a temporary secretary, said yesterday.

A number of students who had left messages "backed down" at the chance of having an interview, Cambell said, adding she was having difficulty locating students who did not leave phone numbers or addresses.

Stevens said he has a personal interest in conducting the discussions which he will continue next week. "One thing I haven't had is a lot of contact with students except those of the ACSR," he said.


Stevens said other University administrators may not be setting up similar conferences because they have more pressing schedules.

Stevens added he does not expect the ACSR to discuss the South African controversy at its next meeting. "There is no resolution on the agenda that I know of at this moment on South Africa," he said.
