
Harvard Group Plans to Join Clamshell Sit-in

The Harvard Anti-Nuclear Alliance plans to send a group of students to the June 24 Clamshell Alliance occupation of the nuclear power plant site near Seabrook, N.H.

The alliance hopes to organize a Harvard "affinity group" of 12-15 members who will live together as a unit during the occupation. The group members will make joint decisions on how to proceed with the protest once they arrive at the sight, and take responsibility for their own members to prevent the demonstration from degenerating into a mob scene, members of the group said yesterday.

Everyone who intends to participate in the occupation will be required to attend a six-hour training session with their affinity group in order to learn the basics of nonviolent protesting.

Jim Garrison, one of the organizers of the Harvard group, described the purpose of the occupation yesterday, saying, "We hope to hold the site, and to educate the public on a mass scale, on the hazards of nuclear power."

"We are hoping the state will find it impractical to arrest and cart off all those bodies, since it practically bankrupted the state to hold the protesters last year," Garrison said, adding that this year's demonstration is expected to be several times larger than last year's 2000 protesters.


The protesters said they will be prepared for any tactics which may be used against them, and added that authorities may use tear gas and water cannons, although they may totally ignore the protesters.

Media Blitz

In addition to the actual occupation, support activities will be taking place throughout the U.S. The Clamshell Alliance is organizing the daily distribution of video tape of the demonstration to television stations throughout New England.

Clamshell is also planning a national radio hotline staffed by celebrities who will answer questions and make public statements.

"The media coverage will be extensive. We will have to show the world how strongly Americans object to nuclear power," Garrison said.
