
South House Poll Finds Many Satisfied

Upperclassmen Are More Content

Only 16 per cent of the freshmen assigned to South House said they are not planning to transfer out, a poll conducted by the South House Committee revealed yesterday.

According to the poll, this feeling is not reflected by upperclassmen at South House--only 10 per cent of the juniors surveyed said they hope to transfer. In addition, just 21 per cent of the juniors said they would take a room at the River House of their choice if it were offered to them.

"I'm not even thinking in terms of transferring right now. That type of attitude is only going to make it worse," Lisa Hirshhorn '81 said yesterday.

Twenty-six per cent of the sophomores surveyed said that they have tried to transfer out. Glenn Held '79, who tried unsuccessfully to transfer, said, "I don't think South House grows on you, people just get resigned to staying."

Exception to the Rule


"I like it here, but I am an exception. Very few people say they like it, and almost no one is here by choice," Peter Klein '80 commented yesterday.

In fact, only 2 per cent of next year's sophomores said they had listed South House as their first choice. The most popular house among the freshmen eventually assigned to South House was Quincy, where 34 per cent of the freshmen had hoped to live.

"South House has absolutely no apparent advantages," said one freshman assigned there who says he plans to be first in line the day transfers become available.

Another freshman, who also preferred to remain anonymous, said he doubted he would like living at the Quad. "It's not just that the House itself is unattractive, but the 'I can't wait to get out' attitude is really unpleasant," he added.

"It couldn't possibly be as bad as people make it out to be, even though some of my friends act like they'll never see me again," said Debbie Jacobs '81.

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