Members of the Harvard Anti-Nuclear Alliance (HANA) rallied in Harvard Square Saturday afternoon, carrying placards denouncing development of nuclear power plants such as Boston Edison's Pilgrim II.
The demonstrators also distributed flyers which publicized alternatives to nuclear-generated power, such as improved insulation and hydro-electric power plants.
Melissa M. Lakich '80, as a member of HANA, said Saturday. "People are either very interested or they just walk away. Most are apathetic."
Geoffrey B. Wisner '80, another HANA member, said Saturday the rally was the second in a planned series of weekly demonstration to be held in the Square. The demonstrations will "get members the public of the issues, " get members the public of the issues." Wisner added.
Other HANA members said it is difficult to attract attention in the Square, because passers-by cannot distinguish between demonstrators and employees of local businesses handing out advertisement flyers.
A local high school student said of the HANA flyers, "I was just wasting time and I figured I'd read them."
The 15 demonstrators chanted slogans such as "two, four, six, eight, we don't want a nuclear state."
No Rapport
Students responded negatively to the demonstrators, some suggesting the chanters get out of the "nuclear state."
Two sophomores who described the rally as "boring," said Saturday the chanters "haven't said anything of substance."
HANA members also participated in a demonstration Tuesday outside of the Prudential Building, where Boston Edison stockholders met to discuss financing the construction of the proposed $1.6 billion Pilgrim II reactor, Wisner said yesterday.
In May, HANA hopes to participate in a demonstration at the United Nations Disarmament Conference Wisner added.
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