
Ad Hoc Core Committee Upset Over Petition Misrepresentation

Two members of the Ad Hoc Committee on the Core Curriculum, who wanted to present a petition requesting a delay in the Core vote at Monday's meeting of the Faculty, said yesterday they are upset because their petition was misrepresented at that meeting.

Victor P. Filippini '80, a member of the Committee on Undergraduate Education (CUE), said yesterday that because he did not support the entire petition, he read at the meeting only the sections he agreed with.

Not in Touch

Filippini agreed to present the petition prior to the meeting when Dean Fox told the ad hoc committee the representative they had chosen, David King '81, a member of the Committee on Housing and Undergraduate Life (CHUL), could not speak to the Faculty without being in violation of the Faculty's rules.

The Faculty permits students elected to an established committee to address the Faculty only if their topic is relevant to the committee on which they serve. Because the Core Curriculum falls under the jurisdiction of CUE, only members of CUE can address the Faculty on that issue.


Charles P. Whitlock, associate dean of the Faculty for special projects, had told the ad hoc committee any elected student could address the Faculty on any issue, Gail L. Sokoloff '81, a member of the ad hoc committee, said yesterday.

Whitlock said yesterday he thought at the time that "any elected student could speak on any subject."

Sokoloff said she was upset that the ad hoc committee had not been told in advance that king would not be able to speak.

Ross D. Boylan '81, another member of the ad hoc committee, said yesterday he "has had it with the bureaucracy."

Although the ad hoc committee has no definite plans to try to get the entire petition submitted to the Faculty, Boylan said he is seeking an appointment with President Bok to discuss the petition.
