
Batsmen Romp Twice vs. B.U.; MIT Is Next

The varsity baseball team got some practice Saturday in preparation for the Greater Boston League opener at MIT tomorrow afternoon with a scrimmage doubleheader against a club team from Boston University.

The Terriers aptly proved why they are the NCAA champs in hockey but in nothing else, as Coach Loyal Park emptied his bench and threw almost his entire pitching staff en route to two easy wins for his squad.

Steve Baloff, Billy Bradshaw, and freshman Jim Keyte hurled in the first game, a 9-2 waltz for the Crimson. Keyte, the lefthanded flamethrower from California, looked strong in his northern debut, dispatching B.U. in the top of the seventh to preserve the win.

Timmy Clifford and Ron Stewart combined for the triumph in the nightcap, a game which was mercifully called after five innings with Harvard on top by at least 10-0 score. Clifford threw hard, and apparently his sprained ankle is fully healed, which needless to say is good news for the Crimson. Clifford posted a 4-0 log from the mound last year.

MIT has never posed much of a diamond threat to the batsmen, as last years 5-1 and 10-0 drubbings of the Engineers show. The Crimson finished tied for second in the GBL last year with a 6-2 record, and hope to take the top spot this season as Park starts Larry Brown tomorrow.


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