
ACSR Pickets

About 30 students picketed the meeting of the Advisory Committee on shareholder Responsibility (ACSR) for the second consecutive week yesterday, urging divestiture of Harvard holdings in banks that extend credit to the South African government.

The South African Solidarity Committee (SASC) organized the picket to encourage the ACSR to "take a moral stand against apartheid."

Neva L. Seidman '78, a member of the SASC, said yesterday the picketing was intended to inform the advisory committee of student opinion in favor of divestiture, and was not meant to be a large-scale demonstration.

Seidman said she believes the pickets have been effective in altering the views of members of the ACSR.

But Julie E. Fouquet '80, student representative on the ACSR, said prior to the meeting last night that committee members "didn't pay much attention to the protesters last week."
