The Department of Buildings and Grounds (B&G) installed a thermometer in the Mather House dining room in response to complaints by the Mather House Council about snow and frigid temperatures in the dining room, Christine Mattson, assistant to the master, said yesterday.
The House Council filed a petition signed by 300 Mather residents with Francis A. Lawton, assistant dean for facilities, because "students were outraged at the temperature of the dining hall", Richard Rowley '78, vice chairman of the House Council, said yesterday.
In addition to the House Council petition, David and Patricia Herlihy, the masters of Mather House, wrote an official letter to Lawton expressing their concern about the temperature conditions of the dining room, Mattson said.
Patricia Herlihy followed up the letter by calling up Lawton to ask that he assign an engineer to find the specifics of the temperature problem.
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