
Freshman Council to Sponsor Workshop on Concentrations

The Freshman Council voted overwhelmingly to co-sponsor an Office of Career Services and Off-Campus Learning (OCS-OCL) workshop on careers and concentrations last night at a meeting in Parlor B of the Freshman Union.

The OCS-OCL has scheduled the workshop for Saturday, April 8, approximately three weeks before freshmen will be asked to choose concentrations.

Deans Will Speak

Representatives of four graduate schools, including Albert M. Sacks, dean of the Law School, and Lawrence E. Fouraker, dean of the Business School, will speak on career possibilities in their fields.

Robert J. Ginn, director of the OCS-OCL, will discuss possibilities for immediate employment after graduation.


"We find more and more Harvard-Radcliffe graduates seeking immediate employment, thinking they'll go to graduate school sometime, but not right away," Martha P. Leape, OCS-OCL counselor, said yesterday at the Freshman Council meeting.

Each workshop will be conducted twice, so that students may attend two, Leape added.

Freshman Council members said they would like to find out which courses and fields of concentration are most appropriate for law and business school applicants, which career possibilities are open to graduates of the Kennedy School of Government and whether graduate students can cross-register between the Kennedy School, the Law School and the Business School.
