With the Dec. 15 application deadline a week away, six juniors have requested voluntary House exchanges, the coordinator of the experimental exchange program, said Wednesday.
Carol Thorne said that if no more students sign up, at most only one pair of students will be able to trade rooms next semester. Although the names of the applicants and their Houses are being kept confidential. Thorne said that three of the juniors are from Quad and three from River Houses.
Thorne attributed the low numbers of applicants to the fact that students who participate in room trades will be prohibited from applying for permanent House transfers.
Members of the Committee on Houses and Undergraduate Life (CHUL), which voted to begin the program this fall, ascribed the low turnout to limited publicity, the exchange's experimental nature, and the fact that only first-semester juniors can apply.
CHUL planned the idea to appeal to "a limited constituency," Daniel Cohn '79, chairman of the CHUL room exchange subcommittee and Lowell House representative, said yesterday, adding that CHUL believed that only a small number of students would want to switch rooms.
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