
Oxford Students Jeer Nixon; Ex-President Is 'Not Retiring'

OXFORD, England--Former President Richard M. Nixon told an English university audience yesterday that he has "not retired from life."

Speaking at Oxford University, the ex-president said that "as long as I have any breath in me I will speak up for what I believe."

Students showered Nixon with eggs and jeered him as he entered and left the building where 'he spoke. Inside, demonstrators shouted "We Want Nixon Dead" and "No More Nixon" in an attempt to drown out the ex-president.

Nixon told the audience of 800 that while in office he authorized wire taps and break-ins to break up a group of Palestinian terrorists operating in the United States. He said that while civil libertarians might object to the means used to break up the terrorists, he thought it was necessary in order to "save innocent people."

Nixon also fielded questions about Vietnam, detente with the Soviet Union and China, and Watergate.


Nixon was greeted with a one-minute standing ovation at the end of his lecture, and with more egg-hurling and shouting as he left the building. Demonstrators pounded on Nixon's limousine as it pulled away.

Police arrested ten protestors, but a spokesman said that "on the whole, the demonstration was conducted in a good natured way."
