
Bulldogs Shut Out Freshmen and J.V.

Yale Takes Two

Harvard frosh football's dreams of an undefeated season disintegrated before a relentless surge of blue jerseys yesterday as Yale trounced the Crimson, 30-0, at Soldiers Field.

The Bullpups dominated the game from start to finish as their defensive line never allowed Harvard to gather momentum on offense. The Crimson Yardlings didn't reach Yale territory until late in the second quarter and only managed six first downs on the day.

Despite a shoulder injury Ron Cuccia started at quarterback for Harvard, but seemed ineffective. Early in the first quarter he threw for an interception on his own 36-yd. line. Yale drove for its first touchdown when halfback Dennis Gaughan scored on a one-yard plunge.

Harvard blocked the extra point but still couldn't generate any offense after Mike Buchanan replaced the ailing Cuccia. Yale struck again in the second quarter when Rich Diana returned Steve Flach's punt 67 yards for a six-pointer. Diana (89 yards rushing), took a pitch-out from quarterback John Rogan for the two-point conversion and Yale had a 14-0 lead at the half.

In the second half the Bullpups pulled away, scoring first on a 40-yd. field goal by Tony Jones, then on a ten-yard run by Gaughan for a 23-0 bulge.


Harvard's biggest threat came in the third quarter when Joe Lahti, a quarterback playing halfback, took a shotgun snap from center and passed 32 yards to quarterback Buchanan at Yale's 24-yd. line. But Yale's defense quickly stiffened.

Late in the fourth quarter Yale center Matt Dolan blocked a Flach punt in the endzone and Mark Hammersmith fell on the ball for the final tally of the game.

The Crimson's final record stands at 4-1-1 with their loss to Yale and a 13-13 tie at Princeton their only blemishes. Yale's victory gives them a season mark of 4-2.

Harvard's previously unbeaten junior varsity fell to a powerful Yale team yesterday, 31-0, at Soldiers Field.

With the shutout over the Crimson, Yale completed its entire season unscored upon. Harvard's loss is its first in four games after victories over UConn, Dartmouth and Brown.

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