
Radcliffe Singers Plan Summer Trip To Great Britain

The Radcliffe Choral Society (RCS) is now planning and raising money for a four week centennial celebration summer tour of England, Scotland, and Wales.

"In light of the Radcliffe centennial, this is a good time for us to make our first solo trip abroad," Theresa M. Gruber '80, trip director, said yesterday. "Until now we have always travelled with the glee club," she added.

Boston, England?

About 50 students will participate in the tour, which will include performances in Boston, England and Cambridge, England as well as 13 other cities, Gruber said.

"We'll be singing music where it was originally composed," Gruber said. "It will be an educational and cultural experience, although there will also be lots of time for sightseeing."



Instead of charging fees for the performances, RCS members will receive free room and board, often by staying with host families, Gruber said.

RCS will hold concerts at Harvard and in several east coast cities to help raise the $50,000 needed for the tour, Nicole I. Sinek '80, tour financial director, said yesterday.

Each student participating in the tour will also be asked to contribute at least $300, and the group has already received $7000 in outside contributions, Sinek said.
