
Israeli Boats Shell Beirut; Syrians Continue Fighting

BEIRUT, Lebanon--Israeli gunboats shelled the western sector of Beirut last night in what experts viewed as a warning to Syrian peacekeeping troops to stop attacking Christian parts of the city.

The Syrian force in the area returned the fire and forced the vessels to retreat in the fourth straight day of fighting. After yesterday's exchange, police reported that the casualty toll had reached 1000 killed and 1700 wounded after eight months of battles for control of Lebanon.

Israel has committed itself to protect Lebanon's Christians but has refrained from intervening, apparently for fear of endangering Egyptian-Israeli peace talks set for October 12.

The Phalangist Christian "Voice of Lebanon" radio reported that Syria was sending more forces into the area.

Lebanese officials yesterday called for U.N. intervention. U.N. Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim is considering sending a U.N. official to Lebanon to try to organize a cease-fire, sources said.


The Israeli army radio station said that Defense Minister Ezer Weizman would report today to an emergency meeting of the defense and foreign affairs committees of the Israeli parliament.
