"Apartheid is total oppression and you have to fight it with total pressure and total divestment," David M. Sibeka, foreign affairs director to the central committee in the Pan Africanist Congress (PAC), told an audience of about 50 in Science Center C last night.
Sibeka, asked to speak at Harvard by the Black Students Association and Unity Newspaper, an organ of the League of Revolutionary Struggle, said the PAC is concerned with more than just South Africa.
"We are at one with all the forces that seek to liquidate from the face of the earth oppression of man by man." he said.
Africans must find their enemy's strengths and weaknesses and nibble away at them, he said adding that any gains made by Africans cannot be publicized because their actions are punishable by death.
Sibeka commented on American investments in South Africa saying that it "allows the South African racist regime to build the kind of military machinery that lets them subjugate the Azanian (black South African) people."
The PAC wants both the United States and the Soviet Union out of South Africa, he continued.
"The African has been lead to believe that he must wait for the Christian con-science of his oppressor to be pricked before he can be intitled to more than just the crumbs of the cake," Sibeka said. "This struggle must become part and parcel of the people," he added.
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