
Stickwomen Blank Brown, 5-0

Seidler Notches Fifth Shutout

The Harvard field hockey team picked up a lopsided 5-0 win over the Bruins of Brown yesterday at Soldiers Field to raise its season record to a gleaming 6-2.

The stickwomen, who have won six of seven since an opening-day loss to the University of New Hampshire, turned in another fine defensive performance, led by goalie Ellen Seidler, who recorded her fifth shutout.

Five forwards scored for the Crimson. "It was good for our confidence," co-captain Seidler said last night. "It showed the forward line that everybody can score," she added.

Jenny Stone drew first blood for the Crimson at 3:30 of the first half. The junior inner emerged from a scramble in front of the net to beat Bruin goalie Sally Cohen on a push-in. Sophomore Ann Velie imitated Stone's tally with a dink shot of her own at 7:15, to make it 2-0.

Good aggressive play resulted in the Crimson's third goal at 26:00 when sophomore wing Sue Field scraped a ball off the Brown goalie's pads and poked it by her.


Harvard picked up its next tally on a picture-perfect play when halfback Chris Sailer make a fine hand stop on a corner hit, and teammate Tania Huber drove it home for another score at 28:15.

Riding high on a 4-0 lead, the stickwomen eased off a little, but the day was not yet complete. Sarah Mleczko rounded out the scoring for the Crimson with her eighth goal of the season, a drive that streaked past relief goalie Lynn Coram at a sharp angle.

The win marked the first time the steadily improving stickwomen have beaten the Bruins. The squads have played to a 0-0 tie for the past two years, and Brown had mauled the fledgling Crimson eleven before that.

"It was kind of a moral victory--beating them for the first time. It felt great," Seidler said.

Harvard will travel to New Jersey to take on the ever-tough Tigers Saturday, and the confidence of the forward line will be key, as the defense has looked consistently sharp since the UNH loss.

The J.V. stickwomen raised their record to 3-1 yesterday with a 1-0 triumph over their Bruin counterparts. Freshman Debbie Aronson notched the Crimson's only tally in the first half.
