
Contraceptive Counseling

The Peer Contraceptive Counseling Service, sponsored by the University Health Services (UHS), will resume on an expanded basis this morning.

Laurie Kane '81, head coordinator of the service, said last week that this year's counseling staff consists of nine counselors--one of whom is male--as opposed to last year's five, all female counselors. "Contraception is thought to be a woman's issue, but it concerns both sexes. That is why we have a man on our staff this year," Kane said.

Michael A. Werner '82, the male counselor, said yesterday he agrees with Kane's idea completely. "Sex is for both people so contraception holds for both, too. It helps to talk to someone about these matters, and I'll be the male sounding board," he said.

Nadja Gould, a social worker for UHS and this year's new program supervisor, said last week while her training is in general counseling, she advises on contraceptive decisions as well.

Doctors and nurses trained the nine peer counselors in workshops discussing contraceptive practices held over the summer.


Rebecca Dulit '79, one of the program's counselors, said last week that she feels there is more interest in gaining knowledge of contraception this year, judging from the increasing number of pamphlets about contraception being taken from the UHS pharmacy.

"We're not there to advise, but to give information, and because we are in a peer-to-peer situation it is easier to talk about the issues of contraception than it would be with a doctor," Dulit said. "We're an objective, non-medical peer ear."

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